
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

new profiling feature made me think of slider handling

hi david,
hi all,

i was just playing around with a bunch of components taking a look at the great new profiler feature. as discussed here, i also think it is very useful for tracking down the computationally intense components. i my case a planarsrf component takes up to 4s to recalc. using a 2d slider to feed to definition results in up to 20s of recalc time. this is due to the facts that the 2d slider starts sending numbers as soon as "mouse down" ,resulting in a series of unused/wasted calculations since only the last result (on mouse up) will be displayed permanently.

i suggest including a "send values only on mouse up" option in the sliders options.

what do you think?


Views: 307

Replies to This Discussion

It has been wished for before (same applies to Slider, Gradient, Graph etc.). My suggestion is that updates will be postponed if the Ctrl or Alt key is pressed. Would that work?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Could there be a nudge key for sliders? (not sure of how nudge increment would be determined.)
What if multiple sliders are selected? I suppose [+] and [-] or [Ctrl+] and [Ctrl-] would be most intuitive...

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
i definitely agree with [ctrl + and -]... great idea
david: holding down Crtl or Alt key should be working well for me.

here is a suggestion how to combine some wishes:
- holding Alt + dragging the slider = output delayed until Alt is going up.
- strg + clicking in the space left or right from the slider knob = nudge increment
- selected slider: typing a number and hitting enter will instantly update the value, if nesessary set a new limit.

the increment for nudge could be 10% of sliders range by default, plus specifiable in the options.

if multiple sliders are selected they might blink red to indicate that this action will only work with single sliders.

i also like the key shortcut suggestions to nudge!
while we are at bringing up already-mentioned slider wishes:
i strongly vote for slider inputs (value, min, max), maybe in form of an extra component as kins of a docking-station as suggested here:

david: i know there were some concerns for sliders with inputs... pls forgive the repetition if this concept is rated impossible.
Ah, I like the number typing suggestion. I wonder how tricky it is to implement...

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia





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