
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, i have a question: I want to design a grid with curves (created by me) and replace it to recgrid. how can I do it??thanks

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Use intersect then line.

could you explain me the definition? thanks

Be more specific about your idea.

this is a result of definition..

Can anybody help me, please?

I'm not sure what you're trying to do.

I want to replace the recgrid with a grid created by me.

RecGrid is just a collection of polylines. If you want to use your own polylines, there's nothing stopping you. However the image you posted seems to have a grid made out of linear nurbs curves rather than rectangles.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do either. Do you have a bunch of curves you want to deform based on points (as your image seems to indicate). Do you want to create a grid that is not rectangular, but rather has custom tiles?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

this is my question..


Well, there's no one component for this. You're going to have to write down the algorithm that describes this grid. It looks like the vertical lines are all at a fixed angle but have random (?) distances between them. The horizontal lines seem to be both randomly placed and randomly rotated.

If there are any other constraints that are important you'll need to write those down as well.

I mocked up a very naive approach (see attached).


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


thank's but my lines come from  a planimetry so they're not random. do you think that exist a method to select directly the existing lines in the planimetry? thanks

I would just project your specific grid into a surface.





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