
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This shouldn't be that hard, thanks in advance!

I have a site plan of a map and would love it if I could add some "eaves" basically a line connecting the two centers.

I'm not sure what the script would look like it but I know how it should act:

create item (4 lines composing each building)

cull every other line (to use opposing sides)

divide line by 3 (use center point)

cull last and first of point set

create line from midpoint of first line to second line

Please help me! I simply can't get it.

The green box is the one I want all other polygons to look like.


Views: 551


Replies to This Discussion

I am not sure this def. can resolve your problem, but you can check.


How do I add the +1 to the "list item" for drawing the midpoint line?

I just right clicked and set the integers there, but cull index doesn't allow me to put 2 integers even under multiple integers.

Check attached image.

Thanks so much! I'll be sure to reach you if I ever have an questions!





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