
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Need Help for Thesis, Cutting off layers of panels parametrically

Hello all masters out there,
I'm an architecture student from Thailand, working on my thesis.
I'm a beginner to grasshopper, so even though I tried to do it myself, I got stuck and decided to ask from more expert users.

I'm trying to recreate a layers of panel similar to the referenced images on the left side, I have set up the parameters for the frames, size and space.

However, I'm unable to do the hardest part which makes it unique. the split, or cutting off the frames into shapes like the reference. I'm guessing in can be done in Grasshopper so that I could explore with the parameters.

If you have advice or idea how to re-create sth like this.
I'd appreciate your generosity very much, after all it's for the educational purpose.

Thank you very much in advance.

I've attached the .gha script file - but you probably won't need it because it would be easy for you if you could solve my problem but I thought it could save sometimes.

Thank you again guys

Views: 453


Replies to This Discussion


You can use the sine wave to define the moving corner ( sine component or Graph mapper)

or you can just model the shape with rhino Then slice it 

Thank you Mohamed, I will give it a try

Hi Mohamed, I'm able to create the surface from graph mapper and sine components as a cutting object, however I am unable to trim/slice my panels.

Which component should I be using? in GH

I tried booleansplit in gh but it failed

i recommend contour

but better to show the file






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