
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a extruded form, cube for instance.

What I want to do is discover its height in GH. 

So as you can see I began with a BREP and then used EXTRACT BREP edges.

I get a list of edges, but my idea is to isolate one of those edges to then extract its height and do more things with it. (eventually subdivide it).

However, although I am using a LIST ITEM and selecting the corresponding item number I am not able to extract it. I know I must be doing something simple wrong. If someone can please help me it would be great. My understanding is that the "-1" value on the pad at the end means the LIST ITEM is not working.


Views: 3451

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Dont use Item Index, use List Item.

Also, if you data goes through a Panel, it becomes a string.


EDIT: draw

This is not what [Index] is for. Read this to find out more about it.


Back to your problem, this approach would only work if your Brep was extruded in the Z direction.

A better way would be to create a bounding box first (your cube) and then use [Box Components] to get the Z domain. If it doesn't start at 0.0 then simply subtract the start from the end






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