
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The attached file shows a surface with exploded planes. Along the curve are planes oriented according to the exploded planes. I would like to move/copy the surface on the y-axis of those planes. How should I go about this?

Also, I have tried the offset tool. It works however, I cannot offset far without the organization becoming chaotic. The rows of exploded planes start jumbling together. The second thing about offset (as well as the move tool) is that the copied planes are moving in the wrong direction. I want to copy the planes or offset on the inner portion which is the part that is closing in on itself. How should I do that?

Thanks ^_^

Views: 2484


Replies to This Discussion

I do not know if you have to stick to your input geometry, but the curves make it hard. I  have put an rebuild into your defenition. With every number you encrease the control points amount its gets harder for the geometry.


to controll the offset direction use positive and negative values.


Best Regards



Thanks Dackel ^_^. I completely forgot to set the lower limit on the slider.





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