
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to use Galapagos to move a square within an irregular shape. So far I have managed to define the perimeter, and the moveable square, but having a lot of trouble with limiting the square to within the perimeter.

The end result will be to have multiple squares that can move around which will form a base floorplan, with the defined perimeter being the block of land.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


(I have attached what ive managed to do correctly so far.. its not much though)

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Take a look at the attached.


Thanks Nick,

Just to check im understanding it properly:

You've divided the rectangles into points and set one rectangle as the boundary of the other. This has also formed the pattern which is input to the Dispatch node. And these points now become moveable inside the larger surface area (which has also been set as a boundary region)

Is that right?

Thanks again


I've divided your "floor plan square" into a number of points. Since you mentioned there were going to ultimately be more than 1 square, I've copied that algorithm to make it a two squares one. I test to make sure these two squares do not overlap by way of the Point in Curve component.

Essentially, if one of the squares boundary points is within the other, it outputs a value of 2. Since you don't want them to intersect (or do you?) I dispatch these divided curves only if the output value is 1 or less (coincident curves or not touching at all).

I then test to make sure they are also within your "block of land" region as well.

Ahhh ok, i think i get what you did now. Thanks!

Yea im actually hoping the squares will intersect, as i intend to have the outline of the overlapping squares make up the 'floor plan'.

Ill keep tweaking what you've done so far, its definitely got me headed in the right direction.

Thanks again :)






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