
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Mouse events, trying to find a way around using a timer to refresh the solution. C# Visual Studio


Ive been working on a semi automatic Circle packing solution projected onto a brep. At the moment I'm working on capturing the mouse events, which has been successful so far using "Gma.UserActivityMonitor.dll".

though I have run into a few problems...

 I need to stop the mouse info collection once Rhino is out of focus. I can do this with Grasshopper but since I'm interacting with geometry Via the Rhino viewport as soon as I click I loose focus with Grasshopper. Is there a way to enter the cursor into a tool state (for want of a better term). Ultimately this would be a much more tidy solution than the snowballing workaround I have thus far achieved.

Attached is a Cut down component that in and of its self is useful and usable. Though you will need to acquire the aforementioned dll and of course add it to a project etc.

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Oh, and for the sake of the discussion title...

I'm looking for a way to refresh the component without using a timer. So far I haven't had any luck.






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