
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



Does something similar to 'MergeAllFaces' exist as a Grasshopper component or RhinoCommon method?


I'm trying to merge a collection of small mesh (or brep) 'cells' into a single mesh with a minimum number of vertices.  The cells are square quads in a flat plane... they meet at edges but don't overlap.  The trouble is, when I join or boolean union the cells, I can't seem to get the resulting mesh (or brep) to "forget" the smaller meshes from which it came.  I.e., if the resulting mesh is a simple planar rectangle, I can't seem to simplify its description to that of a single quad, and am forced to carry along the baggage of all the original faces and vertices.


Any advice?





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Not as a single component or method - but here's a definition that does it for BReps. This definition should work on any BRep, with faces in many directions; you may be able to get away with something simpler if all your geometry is in a flat plane. Just take the bounding polygons of all facets and use "region union" to merge them together into bigger polygons, and then use planar surface to reconstitute surfaces out of them. 




Just tried this definition out but there is a problem when it gets to the runion component. Any solutions?






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