
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Hi Philip,

Are you aware of these Keyword entries:

Panel=Hello World!




If not the you can read more here: and see a fairly comprehensive list of initialization code enabled keywords in the 0.8.0010 features.


BTW slider=50 gives you integers and slider=50.00 gives you real numbers to 2dp


If so, are you looking for further shorthanded keywords?

Yes, I want shorthanded keywords!!!!

It is a headash to write ADDITION=+3 insted of +

and it is quite faster to find component in layout (3 clicks) + make inpur (4 clicks) instead of Ad...3 - 11 cliks.....



btw slider=50 gives me slider with integers. to make rounded i have to write slider=50.0

and i cant write "divide 2 by...." this way...
That's all right its just that the initialization code has flown under the radar of some users

I did something not quite as requested but close (I hope).


If the text inside the popup search starts with the following characters, then the appropriate component is created with the text after the special character evaluated as a value for the second input (except for Text Panels, as they don't have a second input):


"   →  Text Panel

//  → Text Panel

+  → Addition

-   → Subtraction

*   → Multiplication

/   → Division

\   → Integer Division

&  → Concatenation

% → Modulus


So you can type:


//Hello world




"Hello world


to get a panel with specific content.


I also made it so that when the text typed evaluates to a number (no expressions allowed, it has to be a single number), a slider is instantiated. So typing:




results in an integer slider and typing:




results in a floating point slider with two decimal places.



David Rutten

Leusden, Holland

Hooorra! thank you David!

David, one more ask. I forgot about Scribble component.

can you make something like


// Hello world! /35       - for scribble with 35 letter size?

But // already indicates a Text Panel, not a Scribble object.



David Rutten

Leusden, Holland

Scribble could be tilde "~" unless you wanted this to be assigned to approximation.

Enough gay banter. Tilde it is. But I'm not adding the size code, it's just too weird. I'll need to come up with a better way to modify font, size and content of Scribbles.



David Rutten

Leusden, Holland


I have another wish, which might prolong the gay banter a little more. Unfortunately space bar is already assigned, but can the Keyword Search box have a similar shortcut? Maybe Enter or Insert or F12 something easily hit on the keyboard.

I can add a menu item that displays the search box. Then you can assign a shortcut to the menu item at will as I'm nearly done with the custom menu-shortcut mechanism.



David Rutten

Leusden, Holland





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