
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


this was the first time I used the component, so it might be that I'm not using it correctly. But I haven't found any other discussions on the matter, so here it goes.

It appears that the Isovist component doesn't work with graph inputs. I've tried graphing both S and O input, duplicating O and duplicating O and graphing it. With every try the component would only output a single point. 

Views: 659


Replies to This Discussion

Since you did't include your boundary I can't replicate the problem. Can't make sense of the file though. It looks like you were shooting rays along the boundaries of the obstacles. Is that correct? If so, then that's not really interesting as those rays intersect the obstacles by definition.

IsoVist figures out how far you can 'see' from a specific vantage point.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


Yes David, I was trying to get the Polygon's kernel (manually). And I think that this is actually the problem. The component outputs an error if it the output point is the same as the end point of the line, and once it gives an error it won't continue doing the rest of the list. At least that how I see it in my limited knowledge. 

I thought I internalized the boundary... 


Graph or Graft?

Thanks for the correction Danny. Just don't get me arrested.

I was confused as the image had a flatten arrow so I was just wondering what kind of graphs.

o_o your right. I tried with several combinations and in the end I left the wrong settings...





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