
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there every one.
This is my first post and I can basically say I'm a newbie to grasshopper.
I am working on a project that uses the bounce command in rhino.
Basically, for those who don't know, it's a command that take a/some reflective(s) surface(s) and a vector, and gives you all the reflections of the vectors until it stops hitting the reflective surfaces.

Would there be any way to use this in grasshopper, so that when I modify the initial vector the whole resulting "bounce" is modified ?

Thank you in advance

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Peter, Im trying to use your component in my surfaces and with the solar vector that I wrote. I´m new at this and Im really lost. I dont really know what Im doing right now. The thing is I have a mix with your component and a meshray one. Im trying to make the first bounce of the vectors where vectors from the meshray first touch the surface. Lets see if you have any idea.




Hi Peter, 

Is this working with a curved surface as well? I am trying to bounce a ray in a concave surface but cannot make it work. 






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