
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Does anyone have a suggestion to the rhino function to use when trying to intersect a given surface with a given plane? Basically I'm looking for the VB equivalent of the Sec (Brep|Plane) grasshopper function. I wish to do this via script because this tool will be recursive and will set up the next cut plane based on the last cut plane.



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I use RhinoIntersectBreps in Grasshopper. You just have to make sure that your plane is converted into an OnPlaneSurface which truly intersects the entire base shape.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Thanks. In order to create the onplanesurface, I'm trying to use the RhUtil.RhinoCreateSurfaceFromCorners function. Unfortunately, this completely crashes grasshopper even before I can get to the intersection part.

I plan to set up a unit plane and then use a separate function to reset it to the correct location etc.

Any ideas to why the code below might cause the crash?

Dim CornerPts(3) As On3dPoint

CornerPts(0) = New On3dPoint(0, 0, 0)
CornerPts(1) = New On3dPoint(1, 0, 0)
CornerPts(2) = New On3dPoint(1, 1, 0)
CornerPts(3) = New On3dPoint(0, 1, 0)

Dim CutPlane As New OnSurface = RhUtil.RhinoCreateSurfaceFromCorners(CornerPts(0), CornerPts(1), CornerPts(2), CornerPts(3))

Change the last line to:
Dim CutPlane As New OnNurbsSurface(RhUtil.RhinoCreateSurfaceFromCorners(CornerPts(0), CornerPts(1), CornerPts(2), CornerPts(3)))
Have a look at the RhinoCutPlane, RhinoExtendLineThroughBox and especially the RhinoPlaneThroughBox functions in RhUtil.

They are all useful functions in this context.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA

Thanks a lot for this thread!

What type hint should be associated with a plane and how can they be converted to OnPlaneSurface?


Hi Arthur,


are you still coding in the old SDK?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,

Really sorry I actually understood a bit late that this thread was using Rhutil...etc... and there is an "Intersection Surface with Plane" tool too in GH now so I got it all wrong. I was still curious which type hint would be selected if I plugged in a plane though?






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