
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I want to make my definition efficient. some one help plz.

Hi, I am doing my thesis project. i have done a definition for forming housing arrangement. i will be using Galapagos to optimize the solution. right now i have done definition for one house which itself taking 12 seconds to process..which i feel its too long because i will be repeating the function to generate some 30 houses and using Galapagos condition . Please help me out ..its going to be time taking process..but if any one interested please help me. 
* I defined each function as i have lots of nested cluster.
* i used Anemone plugin for looping it. 
for more doubts..please ask me. 
Thanking you 

S S Solomon

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Hi Solomon,

I was not able to make your definition work, because I'm missing some plug-ins I guess (Anemone).

However I usually use a logic that I learnt from programming in Processing. Basically you need to look into your code and see which parts of it take the most time. Once you find that part/s you can start at the one that seems to take the longest time and start working on that.

In your case, look at the cluster that is taking the longest to compute, open it and look into which component takes the longest time. Now you can start experimenting with ways to reduce the time taken by this specific component and then move to the next.

As I'm sure you understand, if a component or cluster is used many times, then it might take the priority.

Grasshopper has a very useful feature, where it displays the time taken to compute a component or cluster underneath, in time (seconds or milisec) and as percentage of the whole time taken by the whole definition. So it's very easy to spot the naughty component that is dragging the whole definition.

I hope this helps.



Thank you so much Omar .. i am working on it...





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