
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, i`m new and i start using grasshopper a week ago, i want to do a simple thing, but i'ts hard to my knowledge in grasshopper. I want to scale an object and set other object as the boundary, this way i will have diferent tipes of forms.

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dear systemiq

cool, this is the example nr. 3!

What interested me initially was the question; in the production of high-rises to use a component who is provided complex properties. in our case dannys region intersection component.

so how would such a cross-section/phenotype (in our case circle-triangle)  to be created to make these kind of form, as in the simple diagram from me.

also an interesting example, but with a different orientation:

have i awake your interest, hopefully?

danny, you are also addressed. (:




you're mysterious.
i do not understand.

...ah for me?

hopefully more to come. (:


you have time to read novels of douglas adam? (:


dear systemiq,

i'm sure, now your are able to create something similiar
like Subdivision: Ornamented Columns from michael hansmeyer,
with grasshopper.

would be interesting to see how you can do this with hoopsnacke.
the step into the third dimension.

sorry, i am feeling like 42. (: !

(time is money)

Well its interesting so I will take a look at it, but if it looks like i should invest lot of time on it ....






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