
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Where should I copy downloaded libraries for python in order to use in Rhino, Python?

For example I want to use "pybulletphysics-master" and where should I copy these files:

Thank you in advance,

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You can either:

A) Place them in the default Rhino scripts folder:


B) Add a custom folder path:

1) In Rhino type in the command "EditPythonScript".
2) In this Python editor go "Tools -> Options -> Files".
3) Here you will see an overview of the directories which are currently referenced.
4) Add a reference to your folder path.
5) Restart Rhino.

C) Add the path in the script:

Edit: Note that not all Python modules are compatible with IronPython (which is the one in Rhino).

Thank you.

A) Type I used before to make short functions.

B and C are new for me:)

And sadly this note is currectly the situation I have.

Edit: Note that not all Python modules are compatible with IronPython (which is the one in Rhino).

Anyway I have read that IronPython works with .NET libraries, therefore I need read about it more.

Thanks for an answer.

Depending on the library, it's actually possible to implement all sorts of stuff. We recently implemented a C++ library in Grasshopper using Python. Though, this of course ramps up complexity quite fast!

It is such a fast library. Before I was using processing, and when I was writing similar functions for IronPython they worked much slower, especially for particle systems.

Could you tell me how to install correctly ShapeOp.0.1.0 for IronPython for grasshopper?

Do I have to download Precompiled Binaries and A Rhino/Grasshopper component using ShapeOp?



There are instructions on the Github repo. Yes, you need to download and install the binaries that are in the "dependencies" folder (specifically, ShapeOp.0.1.0.dll and vcomp120.dll). It seems that the most robust way of installing the dependencies is to place them in the Grasshopper libraries folder and follow the corresponding instructions.. 

That said, if I were you I would probably give Kangaroo2 a go first, it is substantially simpler to implement (and extend if you want to write your own constraints). Also, it will teach you about implementing .NET libraries, which is a handy skill in GH-land :) 

Thanks :)





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