
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I divide two curves on the surface to several points and then I want to connect the points on curve 1 and curve 2.

But the line from points on curve1 should be perdenticular with the curve1.

I have the tagent information of the points by "Divide"

So, can anybody tell me is there any other grasshopper components I can used or which sdk function should be used??



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Hi Hong,

if you have the edge curve tangent vector, and the surface normal vector, you can use those to compute the perpendicular vector (Vector Cross Product).

You'll need to 'project' the division points into the surface UV space (Surface CP), then evaluate the surface at the given uv coordinate to get the surface normal vector at each division point.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David,
I get the perpendicular vector as you said, thank you very much.
I connected the two points with "Biarc", these curves started by points on curve1 seems good, but not all the end of these curves are points on curve2, could you give some suggestion please?





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