
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

how do i add inputs and outputs to a grasshopper plugin during solving?

 I want to have a new inputs and outputs attached and defined by a external script,so i can write directly within the xxx.cs file the input and output node definition.


The problem is that I need 1 node existing and readable  during the registering to get the path of the  xxx.cs file [which is provided by the string of the first node] and find out which input and outputs nodes are to be created.


protected override void RegisterInputParams(GH_Component.GH_InputParamManager pManager)


-----> Is it possible to read the string here????



thanxs in advance



Views: 848

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Michael,


it would be a very bad idea to change inputs and outputs during a solution. It would be a regularly bad idea to automatically change inputs and outputs. Ideally what you want is for your component to update its input and output parameters via the Component menu (or maybe a double click on the component). This way you'll minimize the surprise factor for users.


The RegisterInputParams() and RegisterOutputParams() methods are only called once (from within the constructor of GH_Component). It is possible to change the parameters later, you just have to make sure you inform everyone who needs to know. There is also a problem with (de)serialization. If you save a ghx file with one of your components which has 4 output parameters, you need to make sure that those four parameters are created before the wires are reconnected during the end of the file-reading process.


"-----> Is it possible to read the string here????"


No. When this method is called the component hasn't been connected to anything else yet. It isn't even part of a GH_Document yet. Also, if you change the string later, you want your component to be able to update, so you'll need to do it elsewhere anyway.


Can you post a somewhat more complete example of what sort of thing you're looking for? Maybe a text file that defines your component layout and a screenshot of how it's supposed to look...


Also, have you considered outputting all data in the form of a Datatree instead of juggling parameters?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia





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