
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Please help me with this problem, I have these selected planar curves that are mixed closed and open. They are going to create a skin/facade so I need them to translate into a surface.

I have tried to loft them, but it doesn't work, I have tried to mesh from points, but that never works for me.. All in all, I'm stuck! 

If you know a way of doing it, or something I could try, please share! I have added the file with the curves.. 

Thank you and have a nice day!/


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- or if there is a way of making vartical crossections all the way around, so that I'll get a squared grid? Then maybee I can put glass in all of the squares afterwards? 


Ok, I have tried this, but then I cant interpolate the right points with eachother to make vertical lines go through all the sections... 

Hi Sophia,

1- You cannot loft open and closed curves together.. its either all open curves or all closed.

2- You cannot branch surfaces out.. like loft one curve to Two curves.. you need a mesh topology to do so..

My advice to you is loft them in pieces then try to patch them, else use t-spline or Maya



I feared so, but do you know a way of interpolating the points vertically? That would also work for me.

Like with list items or "matching lists"? (So that the first point is connected to the first on the lower curve and so on? (But the problem is that since there are a different number of points on each curve because they are of different length, it will be messed up..)

Thank you for your reply!

You can use the Sort component to sort the curves by their Z height.

For example, find a point on each curve and decompose it. (Vector, Decompose Point). Feed the Z output of the decomp pt component into the K input of the sort component. Then feed the same list of lines into the A input. The A output of the sort component will be the list of lines sorted by the Z values of K.






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