
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I can't make surface from data now i'm like this (attached file).

I intended to make surface from surface from points component(pattern 2 in attached file) and I thought it's gonna be like (pattern 1). however it goes cross it self. I guess the reason is that coordinates is not in order for rhino or grasshopper.

how can i make it? plz somebody help me!!! and if possible, plz teach me how to make surface from pattern 3.

here is another question is that what the difference between surface, mesh and patch?

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Well ... that's paranoid (since you have the pts to do the %@#% surface ... what is the purpose of the other [faulty] "pattern" nonsense? This is NOT the way that the whole parametric adventure works: it's "reverse engineering" or the worst kind).

Anyway see attached and inspect your (faulty) quad sets of points branch by branch:

BTW: "Some" quads are faulty because the other file (the "pattern" maker ?????? ) of yours provides bananas instead of proper indices.

BTW: I could provide something that can make at least 20 different patterns on that surface (as pieces or "thickened" Breps) ... but it's carried over solely via C# and thus it could be totally useless to you (unless you speak C# ??).

Note: the thicken option is not included until we can somehow (but WHY?) resolve that total mess.



BTW: Added a quite naive "check" for stupid quads (since the pts are "uniform" > if the diagonal is greater than a given value > Adios Amigos) :

Of course I could discard stupid quads by a vast variety of other ways (ranging from "smart" ["near" planarity, order, clock wise polylines, orientation, self intersecting polylines, comparison to average/"min" quad size etc etc] to ultra stupid [Karma]) ... but since the whole "pattern" thingy is 100% wrong (this is NOT the way to make piece patterns in GH)... why bother? he, he.

I'm new to Grasshopper so I'm practicing and trying to understand what I can do!!!
So I'm sorry for such an easy or stupid question!!!
Thank you anyway!!!

I know that you are new ... so don't take personally the "stupid" clause (it's my way to do "humor" [supposedly] and by no means is used to insult you).

BTW: "filtering" the bad quads is NOT easy for a novice (nor has any meaning).

So if we forget the second file: what are you trying to do?

Divide the surface in pieces (in trees actually where we can say that branches are "deployed" along x and List items along y) and then sample some of them into collections ? (according to some "pattern" guideline).

If so the best way (other than coding) to do that using native GH components is the relative item(s).






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