
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'll start off with the disclaimer that I am new to Grasshopper.  I am trying to solve an challenge where I need to place blocks along the curves of the grid of a surface, offset from the intersections of the curves by a specified length, and oriented to that surface.

My thoughts were to offset the points from the intersections along the curves, then somehow align frames to those points, but I keep hitting dead ends.

I'm using LunchBox and Heteroptera plugins, but I've only gotten so far as to incorporate the LunchBox.

Thanks for any help!

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Well ... although obviously you don't want to put nails on surfaces ... this is the classic way to start with something (planes, that is).

For doing some specific thing with these (and/or defining them more properly)... well you must provide some info more about these "blocks" (or some sketch).

Or you want to build some kind of beam grid ??


Thanks for helping, Peter!

This is a good start for what I'm needing.  I need the Y axis of the frames to be oriented to the direction of the curve.  There also are 2 instances of the frames laid on top of each other, I need a single frame for each point. My apologies for the crude sketch, I hope this illustrates what I'm talking about.

OK, time for the trad update (V2, that is).

In the mean time:

1. Each segment (line/edge/whatever) is divided in 2 pts ... but this yields actually 2 pairs of points/vectors/cats/dogs since each edge has 2 neighbor "faces" (excluding the "perimeter" ones).

2. This means that you probaply/actually want the pairs bisector vector (IF they are pairs around ... excluding the perimeter "faces" etc etc). Against popular belief this is not the surf normal at some point vector (but forget that: is a bit freaky).

3. That bisector thingy is the sum of the 2 (unitized) vectors: the bisector of the 2 "faces" ... so to speak.

BTW: From 1 to 10 what is your knowledge of DataTrees?

More soon 

Yes, I see that I'll need the bisector vector.

My knowledge is about a 2 when it comes to DataTrees.

2 eh? Excellent (2 is significantly greater than 1 and 1Z times greater than 0).

Er ... hmm ... due to a collection of "unfortunate" events (i.e. havoc) in my practice I had very limited time to do that. Thus I've used already existed stuff (solely via code) for the job (~ 5 minutes for cut and paste).

Unless you have plans to cross the Rubicon this attached is a "bit" off topic for a novice (but does cut the mustard quite effectively I confess)

Note: modes scheduled are not yet included.

A translation to native GH components may follow "soon" (post havoc).


Awesome!  I'll dive into your code and see what I can shift around for my needs.  Thank you so much!

Found a couple of minutes to add modes.


This is absolutely wonderful, I can't thank you enough!  Sorry I didn't get back sooner.  I'll play around with this a bit over the next few days and let you know how it goes.

Here's the freaky part:

See this?

Doesn't make any sense to you ... but is "instructions" with regard one of the patterns ("modes") available. Now ... imagine a cut and paste stuff on that thing (2 seconds) and some changes on some mysterious values (20 seconds max).

That's the time required for creating a new pattern (a "mode").

Moral: sketch 20 more patterns and give me 10 minutes (max)

BTW: On the other hand ... with "some" lines more stuff like this is "easily" (at least on Academic/concept phase) doable





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