
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone!
Does anyone know of a solution/ tip/ trick or something when GH files get really heavy??? Same question for Rhino as well. I did try the save small thingy in rhino but it didnt improve anything!
Many Thanks!

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I usually work with a pretty complex GH definition. Every time I open it, I have to wait approximately 2-3 minutes for it to recalculate iteself. During this time, it exhibits the same symptoms as if it were frozen. But with enough patience, once it has loaded itself, it gets a lot better. It has nothing to do with preview. It simply has to do with doing all the calculations again.

I have asked David in the past if it would be possible for GH to store solutions to definitions in its memory when a GH definition is closed so that the startup could be made faster. I have been told that it is by design that all the calculations are redone and storing solutions would be quite dangerous for the stability of the definition.

Not knowing what your definition entails in terms of the calculations that need to be performed or the amount of data that needs to be generated, I suggest that you be a bit patient with the loading of your definition. If you want to test, you can disable the solver before loading the definition to see if the definition loads correctly. Also, with the new 0043 beta, you can disable certain key components and thereby reduce the expanse of your definition, conducting some of the calculations "on demand".





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