
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

using bootcamp- grasshopper with rhino for a mac user- need some details


I'm new to rhino and grasshopper- auditing a class this semester as adjunct faculty- can't use computer lab stations as these are reserved for students so I need to get set up with both programs on my personal computer- a mac book pro.

I have already purchased a mac version of rhino from mcneal (but could return it I think as its still in the box). 

- can I run the current Grasshopper download  for PC on top of the Rhino for mac platform?( and if so do I use bootcamp and a purchase of windows to run the rhino?) 

- or do I need to return my mac version of Rhino and purchase a version of Rhino for PC and run both PC versions of Rhino and Grasshopper on my mac  using bootcamp/windows?

( it may be clear from my questions that I've never used bootcamp before- so any guidance here is helpful)



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 Thank you all for the helpful feedback!

Hi all,

I'm new to Rhino & GH and i have managed to run them both on bootcamp/windows 7.

The issue that I'm having at the moment is that GH is quite sluggish, even when dealing with simple definitions. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

My specs are : 

Macbook Pro Mountain Lion / Bootcamp Windows 7 home 64 bit

Intel core 2 duo @2.66 GHz


any help at all would be appreciated :)


As far as I know rhino for mac is free because of its beta state. Aside from that, I have a mac and no problems running grasshopper on bootcamp.





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