
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Version 1.1.0 (2015-11-22): A new version of GHLauncher is ready for download, Check out this video for details on new features:

This version works on 64-bit version of Rhino 5 SR8 or later.

Download the installation file below.

GHLauncher 1.1.0.exe

Version 1.0.1 (2015-10-08): To work with a .gh / .ghx file we always need to open rhinoceros and then run grasshopper command and then open our file.

I think it would be much better if it was possible to run these files directly from explorer. i searched for the solution of this problem, but i couldn't find anything. (but i'm not sure, maybe there is an obvious way to open these file directly.)

So i wrote myself a small visual basic hack to make this procedure as short as possible.

I thought maybe someone else would have the same problem so i decided to share this hack here.

To make it works, you must download the installation file and execute it. after finishing the installation, all .gh / .ghx files should automatically associate with my program (called GHLauncher.exe), every time you double click on a .gh / .ghx file, this program should automatically open rhino, run grasshopper command, and open the file.

I only test this program on my computer (windows 10, Rhinoceros 5 SR12 64-bit, Grasshopper 0.9.0076) and i'm not sure if it would work on other.

Views: 22286


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Thanks :)

Thanks for your efforts. However before I install the GHLauncher.msi

Will the GHLauncher.msi uninstall and put things back the way they were?


Hi kim.

Of course, you can find the uninstaller in: Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features

And like other softwares you can actually uninstall it by double clinking on the installer file(GHLauncher.msi) too. 

WOW! works perfectly....thanks so much! (R5 SR12 64-bit, Grasshopper 0.9.0076)

Glad to hear it.

It would be useful to be able to associate a rhino file with a GH file too so when you open either the other is also opened.

No biggy. just saying.

Hi martyn

Thanks, good idea. i will try my best to add this feature

Sweet, thanks! Works perfect on my system (Windows 7 64bit, Rhino 5 SR11, GH 0.9.0076).

I am so excited to hear that! Thank you

Nice idea!. but I have a little problem... My installation is Rhino5 64bit with Italian translation and your program don't works well. The programm open Rhino and nothing else.

With this situation I read in the command line Rhino5 this: -loadscript  and your program don't work... I think that your program must use _loadscript .

Is a really nice idea your program.. I hope in the future you will have some minute for fix this problem, also if you don't need this.for english lenguage.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks Piero. you're right, i will fix this problem as soon as possible.






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