
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

GH 0.7.0030 (June 18th build) is available for download.

You need at least Rhino4 SR8 to run this build.

This build fixes numerous serious bugs in the previous 0.7 release so it is highly recommended for those of you who have already had the nerve to depart from 0.6.X.

One of the fixes affects Cross Reference Data Matching and although it is only supposed to be a fix, please be on the lookout for any unwanted changes.

A new feature available in this build are User Objects. Basically you can store any individual existing object on the canvas (including all settings) as a new Component. This allows you to create parameters with preset data, or Components with preset inputs, or Sliders with Integer accuracy as default, or ready made Script components.

User Objects can be created from the Grasshopper File menu. They can be deleted from the toolbars (each component on the toolbar now has a rudimentary menu), or they can be managed manually. There is a single User Object folder (accessible via the File menu again), so anything placed in here will be loaded.

This is still a very early attempt at making a customizable toolset. The interface and responsiveness of User Objects will improve.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 5202

Replies to This Discussion

Hi David

Many thanks for this update. With the sketch and the pipe/sweep features re-instated, I no longer
need to revert back to version 6.0059. I also like the user object feature.

Hi David,

The user component is great, is there plans to allow multiple components to make up a user item?

I suppose you are referring to a 'cluster' feature?

Not quite, I don't necessarily want them to be clustered, just accessible as a combination eg the Bounds>Domain Components>Gradient as one User item to save the number of clicks when putting them together.
That's a good point actually. I wasn't planning on having a multi-object-user-object function as I too thought that would be covered by the Cluster objects, but I can see the point of it.

I think it's probably quite easy to add that, but first I want to make sure the whole mechanism works more fluently.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
i am also not able to pull down any user component after creating it. i think it has to do with where the file is located. because i have windows 7 the UAC denies writing to the folder. you might have to add a triger to elevate the permission level for the UAC for people with 7/vista or just make grasshopper run in an elevated state.

or just query the location to the user folder and then add a grasshopper folder to it

i.e. C:\Users\USERNAME\grasshopper

if you do it this way then there will be a file for each user of a computer and in a network environment each person will have there own custom file attached to their profile
Hi Robert,

I think you're right. I should be writing these files into the Roaming User folders (like I already do with settings). That might solve the whole issue.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David,

I also have the problem Robert has. I have windows vista. Grasshopper fails to write to the folder and so it does not persist and the user component cannot be dragged to the canvas.

I would enjoy the feature but can wait for the next fix when you get to it.


Chris K. Palmer
Robert found the right permission to change so I am all set.
Hi David

Sorry to put a dampener on this latest release but I keep on getting the following error message when I use the sketch component

Hi William,

I cannot repeat that so far. What steps do you take to get this error?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David

I am sending three small avi's which shows when it happens. I have used a Divx codec to create the video.

Many thanks






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