
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Glazing by Ratio on curved geometry -- error: attempted to divide by zero

This is weird. Chris' Tutorial showed that it was possible to automate glazing even for curved geometry.

I'm planning on automating the creation of glazing for the 'twisting tower' on the file, however it can't create the glazing part. I also tried it on a Rhino cone, it also didn't work.

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Hi Pin,

The issue is because something went wrong with a new function inside the component, it is called secant:

I have to talk to Chris about it.


Thanks Antonello, We should wrap this in a try/exception to avoid issues like this.

Hi Mostapha!

Faster than light. Thanks ;)

Thanks for the quick replies.

I see.. I'll patiently wait for an update, just let me know if there's something I can do.


It should be fixed now!

Thank you both!


updated honeybee on my computer.. Now there is no error reported but no windows are produced either. 

Same here.

By the way, I have an off-topic question (too trivial to create a new thread).

Is it possible to export baked geometry as colored vectors? (e.g. I'd like to export graphs).


Yes. Check the description of bakeIt input of any Ladybug/Honeybee component.

For nonplanar surfaces honeybee uses offsetCrvOnSurface in Rhino. If you split the same geometry in smaller pieces instead of a single surface the component will work as expected.

Very good trick to make curved windows. Thank you Mostapha







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