
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I've searched around and could not find anything I'm capable of understanding, but I apologize if I've missed anything beforehand.

I have an array of lines which were projected on a shape so they are not linear. I need to get the coordinates of every line, say 2 mm increments in length, so that I can 3D print this shape. Here is a model that I've created just to clarify the subject:

Here is the question, how can I get the x, y and z coordinates and implement them into notepad or excel or something else? The important thing is the increments should be by length.

Thanks to community in advance.

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Use Divide Length. Then with use deconstruct point or Pt2Number to get XYZ Values. You can then either stream these points from a panel to CVS file or use a plug-in like Lunchbox to write to excel.

Best way to find what you think your looking for such as "Divide Lenght component" is double click on the Canvas and start typing in the Search that pops up. Some thing you may need to look for in the bar along the top as they are called something different than expected but its a great start.

Yes! Thank you for the quick and very clear answer!






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