
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys, just letting you know we've created version 2 of Genoform, now with its own grasshopper components.

We've created two new sliders that work with Genoform.

Jump over to to download the software and the component file.

Views: 3916

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hmm, I'm getting an install error.


i attached the installer details.




Hi, I have just downloaded it but Setup.exe will end up in an error dialog which says:
Trying to install Genoform 2
got this error dialog:
Cannot Start Application
Cannot download the application.


so am i, why can you just release a .gha component?

Thankyou Ryles for the Installation.txt

We are currently trying to solve this problem. The reason why there is an .exe is because Genoform is a standalone application that then communicates with grasshopper. The components in grasshopper talk with Genoform.

We do this because Genoform also works with Solidworks and Inventor.

I'll let you know when we fix this.

Ok guys, the install file should be working fine now! =D

Turns out the install package was missing a few files.

Try downloading again, let me know if there are any more issues.

Thank you, Andrew.
Everyting went flawlessly this time.

By the way, it's very interesting to have the genoform sliders... 

Haha, yes, they are strange at first.

Soon we will be producing a conversion function that can allow you to swap sliders from your already existing grasshopper files to GF Sliders.

Still getting an error.


I attached an image.


Sorry for being a pain.




i got it working by downloading this file

Brilliant, I was just searching for that file for you then.

still having issues.  :-(


I'm getting a window that says that no CAD program is found running even though I have Rhino V4 and V5 running.  Also, the components for Grasshopper are no where to be found.


I don't have Excel installed, could that be the problem?  I have Open Office Calc though.

Any ideas?


Thanks for your help,


Run Grasshopper and save the file, then run Genoform.

The install wont put the components into the component folder for grasshopper. You need to do that manually like the other component plugins.





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