
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Generation of urban building typology and study of site coverage / provision of public space

Hi everyone,

I'm really new to GH and am trying to create test out something for my work. I am an urban planner and am very keen to use GH to study the different possible building typologies that can be generated, while ensuring that the minimum and maximum depth of the building is retained. It will be great if someone can enlighten me on some of the parameters that I should be using for this, and even better if you can let me have some pointers for the structure of the script. I don't need to replicate this on a rectangular grid, just one parcel is sufficient. Thanks! 

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Well ... using various existed pieces of code I did - in a hurry - this Frankenstein def attached.

The first C# does random fractal rectangular parcels for test (or by pass it and use yours).

The other does the job using 2 policies (the 1st is a bit pointless mind).



Wow! That`s great, thank you!

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