
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm currently a student working with grasshopper for the first time, and I have generated a series of lines based off field lines and attractor points, however, I must generate a 3d surface model from these lines. I don't know how to do it. Can anyone help? The grasshopper file is attached. 


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Hi Ivan

generating a single NURBS surface out of this is going to prove very difficult. One of the reasons is the approximation that comes with smoothing the curves (picture below).

The other issue is the "meaning" that each curve should have more in general. What should it define exactly in terms of the resulting "surface"?

The third issue is a plain limitation of NURBS surfaces: they are inherently 4-sided. So you would have to choose where 2,3 or 4 of these sides actually land. One possibility to overcome this might be to actually create a mesh, using for example the Delauney Mesh component with the points that come out of these polylines.

However, maybe you could try studying a little better the intention first, and then try to come up with a set of rules to put that intention into practice.

Does it help?


Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

Thanks, Guilio; I will play around with it some more. What I have done in the mean time is set the emitters on different Z axis levels and exported the lines to Maya to explore the particle emitter abilities of that program which was suggested to me by an old professor. I also set the vertex points on each line as points for the Delauney Mesh which actually worked quite well. 

Thanks for your help!






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