
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear freelancer,

I’m Jielt Gregoire and young designer. A manufacturer wants one of my designs in collection next year, but there is still work to. In order to obtain an idea of the concept you can find some pictures on the following page:

As you can see, the seat is made up of isosceles triangular links, which are interlinked by a ring. Naturally you can't make 3d patterns whit isosceles triangles, so here and there you get forced to link them by 2 or 4.

So I need someone who can determine which scalene triangles are needed to make any Freefrom surface and in particular the one of my lounger. For production reason there is a limit of 3 scalene and 1 isosceles. For aesthetic reason these need to have a very similar shape.


I really hope someone can help me out, or get me in touch with the right person.


Best regards, Jielt

Views: 812


Replies to This Discussion

looks/sounds like a funny challenge...

I would love to think about it!





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