
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Please see attached program file

I am getting correct value for 'Alpha 1 to alpha 4' and 'beta 1 to beta 3' , but for rest i am getting 0 value.

can any body check ?

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The numbers in your equations are pretty big. That in itself may cause problems. Note that Grasshopper expressions use 32-bit integers which cannot get bigger than 2,147,483,647. Some of the values in your expressions are as high as 5,230,697,472,000 meaning Grasshopper has to switch to floating point maths. However even with floating points, numbers that big get pretty inaccurate. This is because the 'gaps' between consecutive numbers are bigger the further away from zero you get. Eventually two consecutive numbers may be thousands or millions (or worse) apart.

However in this case the problem is not that the answer is wrong, it's because the answer is so close to zero that Grasshopper assumes it was meant to be exactly zero. Numbers in text panels are rounded so that they can be more easily read. If you want to see the real number, you must use a formatter set up to your liking:

OHH..that means answer is there but we cant see because it is rounded.

So shall i continue with this answer ?

The number is correct, it is only when the number is converted to text that the rounding happens. You should never funnel values through a text panel and then use the output, you very often lose accuracy that way.





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