
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i built a parametric brick wall in grasshopper, it's kind of long, 6 in 23 meters. and now my file isn't responding very well. the performance is really low, and when i bake it into rhino file, the file size is very high, 1.200.000 KB! 

does having too much sliders or ... else lead to this problem?

i'm looking for some kind of way to improve the performance, if anyone could help

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The thing is you can very easily generate a lot of data even with a very simple grasshopper file. The amount of components and sliders doesn't matter much, what matters is how much data it calculates. It takes a lot of time to compute a lot of data, and it also takes a lot of memory to store it.

The optimizations you should look into will be almost solely based on data reduction. For example if you perform a bunch of successive transformations on your one million bricks, you could try instead to calculate all transformations separately and combine them before transforming the geometry. 

Another way to speed up things would be to use Boxes or Meshes with very few faces instead of Breps. Unfortunately Grasshopper doesn't supports blocks right now, which would be a great way to optimize the Rhino side of things.

Try replacing the boxes with a predefined block brick.  It saved me when trying to do something very similar to this a few months back.  I was pushing multiple GB files for each facade with boxes / breps but was able to achieve very small file sizes through the use of a single block that represented a single brick.

Here is the scale I was working with:

It was usually 200,000 to 500,000 individual bricks per facade.

Take a look at this link, second project is the one in reference.

Denver Project Images

Also of note, Id only allow the unmodified bricks be replaced by a block.  The bricks that were cut because of corner edges and window openings would remain boxes.

thank you, my file is simpler than yours, it's two facade about 1000 bricks each, i tried working on one facade at the time and it's still not moving. 

how did you used the predefined brick in GH? i made a brick block in rhino but i cant define it in grasshopper.  

How many bricks?

It's always best to work at low resolution first, to make sure your model is generating only and exactly the elements you expect.  Wires can get crossed (partitioned, grafted), giving many times more than the number you want - duplicates hidden by occupying the same space.





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