
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Extrude rectangular section along multiple curves


I've got a problem when I try to extrude along multiple curves a defined rectangular section. The section is correctly oriented but there are serious problems when I use the "Extrude Along" module.

How should I do in order to extrude each rectangular section along its corresponding curve.

In the .gh file this is at the very bottom.

Thank you.

Views: 2650


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Requires 'LunchBox (2D Truss)'.  First 'Crv' param to 'Offset' (upper left) is not internalized?

The scale of the drawing relative to GH "icons" like a plane, for example, or even the rectangle you want to extrude, is so extreme it makes them very difficult to see...

Skipping to the end, (without LunchBox) perhaps there are wires missing from earlier in the code(?), I see quite a few oddities.  Like you start with 11 lines from 'Divide', then 'Project' results in 24 lines being passed to 'ExtrCrv', which doesn't match the 11 rectangles you want to extrude.

The x & y inputs to 'Pl (Construct Plane)' are not numbers as expected but geometry.  GH can be very clever at guessing what you meant and this might be no problem but isn't "right", as far as I'm concerned.

The extrusions are bizarre!  I'm guessing that the rectangles are not oriented correctly with respect to the curve ends (square to the tangents), and that the "rails" (the curves to extrude along) are messed up...

There are six surfaces in the 'Geo' param onto which you are projecting the vertical rails.  This results in far more than the 11 you expected.

Sorry to say, but the model geometry just isn't very "clean".

As Joseph said, there is a problem with your base geometries. It would be nice to match the U&V and surface normal directions of the faces.
It's not difficult to make "Extrude Along Curve" possible, but if possible, do not use the "project" and look for other ways.


Ok thank you very much, the number of rectangular extrusions is increased in this new version. At the end there will be something like three thousands of these extrusions. It represents wood cladding.

However there's still a problem in the orientation of the extrusion for one face only, I'm reloading the rhino file, I've done some modifications on the faces.

Thank you for advice.

Thank you for the answer. So maybe before that i should define the external surface with grasshopper before applying rectangular shapes on it ? In fact I don't know how I could do that, especially for the openings.
Could you help me about that?

Thank you.

Ok nevermind, I've solved it, there were "normal" faces and flipped faces, so I made two groups in the code. Thank you anyway.





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