
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi at all, with the help of Grasshopper and GeometryGym I got a cube like you can see in the picture. In the moment the cube exists of trimmed surfaces.

Now I want to prepare the cube for a 3D-Printer, and I need a *.stl-file with solids instead of the faces. So I extruded each face along the normale in both directions. But at the interactions of the faces I got these strange overlappings. So I looking for a better methode to get a clean, nice cube with a thickness..

I hope you can help me.

Thank you.

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I am not so familiar with stl, but as I can see, it operates on meshes - so why u not use weaverbird ? It has a powerful meshThicken component.

It's not that easy to get uniform wall thickness, but something along the lines of the attached will get you something you can print with neat junctions.








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