
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I've got 2 surfaces ive divided into points and drawn lines between those points.

I am now trying to extrude or sweep a square curve along those lines but you can see from the info panel as it see's all the points as 0,1,2 it will only draw 1 extruded square in the corner.

Can any please help?

I'm not too hot with the lingo so please keep it simple! lol

Thanks in advance

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Troy,

Please attach your files (both .3dm and .gh).

You mentioned 2 surfaces, but I can see 4 on your screenshot.
What exactly do you mean by "extruding square curves"? You mean you want to create a sort of box hollow type structures, intersected with those 4 surfaces?

Hi djordje,

Thanks for replying. Apologies for my poor description. I was referring to the top surface and the bottom one. The two in between are intended to move up and down.

Basically I want to pipe all curves/lines that are facing in a vertical direction. But with square piping not circular hence I can't use the "pipe" command

Here are the 2 files


Hi Troy,

Check the attached file. You can manipulate the shape of the profile and it's radius by suing the sliders grouped in green block.


hmmm for some reason it won't open in GH. It's probably because im using my laptop. I'll check it on the computers in my Uni on monday.

Thanks alot for helping man I really appreciate it!

Hi djordje,

For some reason this warning is popping up when I try and open the GH file you sent me. Once I click yes or no it just disappears and nothing happens. Any ideas?

Hi Troy,

You seem to have an older version of Grasshopper. Download the newest one for Rhino 4 from here.

Cancel that I updated my grasshopper and it works. Thanks





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