
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi there,


is ther any possibility not to end the geodesic line at the 2 input points?

i'd like to extend them to the edge of the control surface.

that would make it much easier to position geodesic lines on doublecourved surfaces.




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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Andreas,


unfortunately a geodesic in Rhino is defined as the shortest curve between two points. It would therefore not be obvious in what direction to extend the geodesic. There might not be a point-pair on the surface edge that will cause the geodesic to intersect the two defined points.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

thanks for the quick reply!

i think a geodesic line is determined by any two points on a surface (they don't have to be on the edge of it). like a straight line ist determined by two points on a plane.

the only exeptions i can think of are symmetrical curved surfaces, when the axis of symmetry goes through the two ponts that define the geodesic curve (on spheres for example).


well - i might be wrong anyways.


one example from the real world: when you start gluing a straight paperstrip (=geodesic line) on a courved surface  you can't change the direction of it any more..






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