algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Any variable used in an expression can't have any spaces. If you rename Domain end to Domain_end it will work.
To be fair, it would be nice if there was a message that clearly said that a specific variable name is invalid. Another reason why always using x would be a good idea.
David Rutten
I meant that I want to start using x for every parameter expression instead of the parameter nickname. That would make expressions more robust, more predictable and more easily reusable.
However until I do you'll have to use valid names for parameters.
David Rutten
I just changed this for Grasshopper 0.9.0067 (the next release).
All expressions inside parameters will now use 'x' instead of whatever the nickname was. Old files should be fixed automatically when opened, I hope I covered all the corner cases.
David Rutten
Hi David.
Yet (gh version 0.9.0076) I can see the problem.
Say, I do not have "Draw full names" active, I edit my Evaluate component with the expression (x*y)/2 and everything works.
Then I switch to "Draw full names" and the Evaluate component still works but, if I copy-paste the component or edit the expression or try to put the same expression in a new Evaluate component, it turn red.
Am I missing something?
Thanks :)
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