
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi my name is Andrea and I am trying to do a panel on grasshopper using an image.

What I did was: I chose an image and transformed into circles. After that, I tried to exclude the smallest circles (in this case I using its area). I started with a function and then I used smaller than, but some circles were selected and others with the same size or even smaller were not.

Does someone have a clue about what is going on? 

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Replies to This Discussion

What did you bake to make the circles get to rhino?

If you used the dispatch component, it still have the whole bunch, so that could be the reason.

Try connecting a Geometry component at the end and bake that.


Hi Andrea,

I can't see a mistake in your images, can you post the gh and image files I need to reproduce this?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you David, I just posted the definition on the end of this page.

All of your circles' areas (Shown in the panel) are less than 10 some where in the order of 0.00001 to 0.00005 so every output is True and in Cull Pattern the Trues are kept.

The panel is showing the number in scientific notation see here for a further explanation of this:

Thank you all for the answers…

I think maybe Danny is right-the numbers are to small- but anyway here it goes the definition and picture.


I just did what Danny told me but still I didn’t get it…

Here is the new definition.







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