
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I would like to ask for the error dealing with bouding box.

Here is my code

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math
import random
import Rhino.Geometry.BoundingBox
import Rhino.Geometry as rg
import scriptcontext as sc

corner = rs.BoundingBox(bx)

However, python returns error "Could not convert Rhino.Geometry.Box to a Point3d". Is there any step I did not take? the method is supposed to return a list of box corners

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Replies to This Discussion

 I thought importing rhinoscriptsyntax was enough. And yeah I thought I dont need to convert the last line to list too. 

Thank you very much!!


If you call rhinocommon, you should use GetBoundingBox methods.

If you call rhinoscriptsyntax, you can use the pts = rs.BoundingBox (x)
a = rs.AddBox (pts) function.

 Check the attached file. I hope this helps


Thank you! I kinda got it previously. Just trying to understand how the library and syntax of rhino objects in python work. I used the same code but I guess the difference was that I set my box input as Box instead of object so the method Boundingbox didnt work. Thank you!





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