
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone, it's been long time i've not used grasshopper and I tried to make a very nice tutorial from ThinkParametric for planerizing hexa panels with kangaroo.

I have a very strange problem, my equality is not working normaly, i don't undertsand why i d'ont have two consecutiv true ? If anyone has an idea ?

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Try 'Similar' instead of "="?

You see on the panel 0.0, but actually may be eg 0.00000618, that's not 0. So use "smaller than" with a value as 0,001 instead.

That's what the 'Similar' component does.

Thank you very much !!

With smaller than it's working but not with similarity, it's strange...

Did you try adjusting the 'T%' value?  The default is 0.1 percent.

Did you find out what the actual value is?  And why it's not zero?

Ok thnks, after reading this i kinda understand why i got this problem...

Joseph :I try with the similarity, it's still not working

            I don't know how to find the real value... 

And even with this number problem solved i didn't managed to succeed the tutorial... ???

Sometimes easy things seem so complex... maybe it's because of my fever hehe

Here's the code. It will be very nice if someone can check the code and explain me why it's not working ? I change the values, change the surface... nothing goes like it should !



Hmm ... I say

1. This is WIP (with regard closed surfaces: read commends AND DO NOT use the closed example).

2. Relaxing "patterns" in general within a "boundary" is a bit tricky because requires a rather fine balance between goals ... er ... pardon me ... "constrain classes" as they are listed in the def. It could be way easier to relax by pulling against an extended surface (meaning no restrictive boundaries). Spot the yellow group dealing with what kind of points pull to the outer Loop (a joined curve in this case). Make this inactive and test the result.

3. On the other hand ... If you vary even slightly the K values > Armageddon ... that's why the next update (V2) uses the preset concept to guide you "safely" into some meaningful result.

4. C# is used in order to extract "whole" hexagons from the rest. But actually the reason for using this approach via code would be clear in the forthcoming V2 (where lot's and lot's of patterns are available made internally - without  Lunchbox).

BTW: do you use K2? have you experienced benefits using the multi threading optional capability?  If yes on what O/S, CPU?

BTW: Imagine Daniel getting his hands dirty with CUDA...

best, Peter


For instance (no boundary restrictions):


Thank you very much Peter for your answer !

At first sight, i thought i'll never understand your code but it's very nice and clear.

I remake it without C# things (they make me feel dumb hehe) to understand it completly and now I'm wondering: if i let kangaroo goes for a long time, will they reach a planarity or they will always be almost planar ?

BTW i've never used K2, i tried to install it some month ago but it didn't worked, i have to retry...

Checking the second file when i come back from my evening lecture. Thanks again !







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