
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, I am just wondering if anyone would be able to help me with a simple (I think) problem.

I have a few points within a rectangular region. Circles are created with each center point as the points. The radius of each circle is determined by the area of the rectangle, but each radius can grow by adding a certain amount to each radius. Finally, each circles radius is affected by the other circles radius (so as 1 radius increases, the others decrease by the same amount) so there is a sort of consistent equilibrium between the radii.

I have a working script, but it is not at all efficient as you will see in the file. I think it can become much simpler with path mapping, but I don't quite understand how to do this.

Any insight would be extremely helpful.

(The area of the script I am referring to is where the list of sliders is being offset 4 (1-number of circles) times in order to add each value to every other value)

 - Adam

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