
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I would like to duplicate set of geometries into the position of simple grid of points.

When I am using row of points - it's work fine but when I'm using a grid or other method that creates the points - I get a weird result.

It will be help is someone can help me with that.

You will notice issue at the end of the definition (green and red markers)

Thanks a lot!

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Hi Robinzon!

The hard part here (maybe) is understanding how "list" and "list of lists" works in grasshopper.

The geometry connected to your move component is already a "list of a list of lists", but the main list is long "0" and the second also "0", while the third is long "7" (8 objects).

In the firs case/scenario you are linking as a vector "T" a SIMPLE LIST of 4 points.

(beware that, grasshopper is automatically converting your points to vectors, and this is probably ok for you because you are drawing starting from world "0", but normally its better "feeding" the "move" component with vectors, to have more control over the definition)

The results is that grasshopper combine every simple elements ("leaf") in the geometry "G" data tree with each of the 4 points "T".

In the second case/scenario you are linking as a vector "T" a whole another tree!

Here grasshopper is trying to "adapt" one tree to another, combining the first leaf of the first branch of one source "G" to the first leaf of the first branch of another source "T".. making as you said a weird results.

You need to understand and use flatten, simplify and graft functions.

(see and edit with right click the "Move" component)

Flatten the geometry "G" source will make it a SIMPLE LIST of 8 different shapes.

(Normally you shouldn't need a tree structure for 8 simple object (as you get from loft component), but in some cases you will do...)

Graft the vector "T" source will make EVERY vector of the list combine/work with every of the 8 shapes.

This will grow your tree structure.

Where you had every vector, now you have 8 elements.

Simplify the output geometry "G" tree, to remove useless sub-branches.

In the output now you have 4 lists (X) each containing 4 lists (Y) each containing 8 objects (shape sorted in your original order)

maybe I've not explained well... XD

Wow, thank you so much! It might help me to have a deep understanding on data structure in Grasshopper. I will do so.

Thanks again!






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