
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I'm having difficulties making the illuminance work correctly. I'm getting a weird pattern over the facade. Pics attached.

I've used parts from the GECO components to create the correct sun-vectors, and I think this might be the problematic part. 


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Why are you using the Ecotect plugin? I use the normal vectors of the surface(s)/mesh(es) I'm analyzing for the Vectors input on DIVA.

the vectors from the analysis-component are always set to z=1. But I need to calculate for a specific date in Denmark, thus the Ecotect.

I could've also used the SunPath from Heliotrope..

I usually set the date and location directly in the DIVA component, so I still don't understand the need for an additional plugin.

Smart solution, I did it this way, and the results seem more trustworthy.

Thank you!

The reason I used the SunPath Vectors was because I needed the specific vectors of sunrays for a specific day, which you cannot control when doing a Daylight Factor Calculation, or can you?






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