
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I came across this image shown below where the time (circled in red) for how long the components took to run were shown. If there is a component timer display option for that, where can I find it? 

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It's called the Profiler Widget. Like all widgets it can be turned on the the Preferences and from the Display->Canvas Widgets menu.


David Rutten

Thank you!

Hi guys

Just a note for future reference. I was trying to enable the Profiler Widget on a new project, which had so low computation times, that they didn't show up (below the threshold), so I thought it didn't work.

Remember to check the Threshold value in the Grasshopper Settings:

Kind regards,


Is there the possibility to see the total amount of time-process in an output file?

At the very begining, when you open the file, it is showed at the left corner of window.

But I dont know how to see it later.





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