
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Delete grasshopper objects based on conditionals...



How can I delete objects based on conditional arguments?


For example, given a collection of circles, how can I remove those circles which have a radius smaller than a given value?


In the image I attached, I managed to test if an object in a data tree is smaller than a specified number (btw, the data tree outputs vectors I believe and I'm testing it against a float, so I don't know how that works), and I see in the notebook that some test true, other test false. But how can I use the indexes further down the graph, to delete objects that correspond to them, or substract those items from the data tree so that objects don't get created in the first place?



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On your image you will see some Red Crosses in the toolbar these are the culling components. The one with the Black and White squares is the one you want Cull Pattern.

One of those ultimate 'facepalm' type of situations!


Thank you very much sir!






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