
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to create some skeletal meshes by using Delaunay triangulation, Topologizer and Exoskeleton tools. But I have a problem with my definition in some cases. I don't know why It doesn't work so well when I change the number of points or random seed. Is it because of topological connectivity or something else? Here's my definition: Thanks!

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Where is the problem? Any idea?!

I think there can be problems with small geometry... something to do with the tolerance that means the exoskeleton component has difficulty determining which points belong to which nodes and then has problems creating the meshes around those nodes.  Try using the same geometry but scale it up or try changing the tolerances in Rhino. David Stasiuk has posted some stuff about this so search his posts about exoskeleton.

That's right. I used the same geometry and scaled it up and then changed the tolerance. Problem solved! :) Thank you!





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