
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have ReferenceType Instance in a Component witch is Wired through the Grasshopper Components and Processed. I have the bad feeling what some changes of the mutable Object [reftype] in the Component B  with input data from Component A will also affect the object in Component A. This will cause to alter the state of the object in ComponentA in the next Calculation cycle of Grasshopper. Is where a "generic" deepcopy mechanism implemented in Grasshopper  to avoid this, or do I have to warp the object in a custom Parameter.

thx in advance


Views: 372

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Michael,

one of the purposes of IGH_Goo is to provide a deep-copy mechanism. All IGH_Goo derived types should be able to create a new instance of equivalent data using the Duplicate method.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

And how is this done with a System.Object if you have the underlying Type not registered  to the IGH_Goo?

Then it doesn't work.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA





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