
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm shifting around shapes using a vb script.

It seems easy enough to move and rotate a curve using curve.translate() or curve.rotate(), but curve.scale() does not let you specify a base point. I'm working around this by shifting each instance to 0,0,0 scaling, then putting it back into position.

Is there a better way to do this kind of task?

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Yep, you should use the Transform method. Transform matrices can encode any number of moves, rotates, scales, shears and tapers.

Thanks David, 

I was dreading that answer. I'm going to go read the transform matrix explanation for the 15th never know, it might suddenly start making sense.

Less cryptic answer from David, and a Python example of not having to deal with the matrix itself, since Rhinocommon is full of Transform helper commands that build the matrix for you:

YourCurve.Transform(transform.Scale(Anchor, ScaleFactor))

Thanks! that's really helpful. for those of us without a complex maths component built into our brain.





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