
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a simple question.

When I try to use the curve on surface component I am selecting a surface (tried both referencing from rhino and from grasshopper) and for the uv input i am selecting two points on opposite edges of the surface. Every time I get an error which simply reads, "curve on surface interpolation failed". 

If I use grasshopper generated points for the uv input i get nonsensical curves which exist outside the base surface. 


What am I not understanding about this?



Views: 13114

Replies to This Discussion

Set two points and project them to the surface edges.



Here's another way to do it.



This will give individual control of the edge point location.



Thanks for the reply Chris. This is very helpful. I'm trying to take it a step further though. Say I want to draw multiple curves on a surface which all share a start point on one edge curve but connect to individual points on the opposite edge curve. My confusion comes from the fact that there is only one uv input in the curve on surface component. how do i separate them out in the way that I want to?


Thanks again.

I've actually solved the last question I had. I have a new issue though that perhaps someone can riddle out. In the definition I'm attaching, I have all of my surface curves working famously but if I try to select a new base surface, all of the points on the edge curves update to the new base surface but all of my surface curves remain on the old base surface (which is hidden). 

Can anyone tell me why this is happening??









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